宝贝万岁的50个成就(全中英对照)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------普通成就ChallengerSuccessfully completed 5 Factory requests20挑战成功完成 5 个宝誉李贝派对总部的要求。Master ChallengerSuccessfully completed 20 Factory requests20挑战高手完成 20 个宝贝派对总部的要求RomancerBecome Master Romancer for 5 species20配对媒人浪漫配对 5 种宝贝。Master RomancerBecome Master Romancer for 20 species20恋爱配对高手浪漫配对 20 种宝贝。CollectorMade 5 species resident20饲养家有 5 种宝贝成为居民。Master CollectorMade 50 species resident.20饲养高手有 50 种宝贝成为居民。LongevityPlayed the game for 10 hours (real time)20花园经营专家实际游戏时间超过 10 小时。Garden ValueGarden worth 25,000 chocolate coins20花园经营家花园值 25,000 个巧克力钱币。Garden Value MasterGarden worth 100,000 chocolate coins.20花园经营大师花园值 100,000 个巧克力钱币。Pi馻ta ValueOne Pi馻ta worth 5,000 chocolate coins20宝贝鉴赏家有一庆搭个宝贝值 5,000 个巧克力钱币。Pi馻ta Value MasterOne Pi馻ta worth 10,000 chocolate coins20宝贝鉴赏大师有一个宝贝值 10,000 个巧克力钱币。Green FingersGrown 5 plants to maturity20绿手指5 种植物种植成熟。Master Green FingersGrown 25 plants to maturity20绿手指大师25 种植物种植成熟。WealthyPlayer has 25,000 chocolate coins20有钱人玩家有 25,000 个巧克力钱币。Label DesignerMade a Custom Label20标签设计家自订一个标签。Pi馻ta Name CallerNamed a Pi馻ta20宝贝命名专家替一个宝贝取名字。Helper Name CallerNamed a Helper20小帮手命名专家替一个小帮手取名字。TalentPlayer has reached Level 1020再接再厉玩家达到等级 10Master TalentPlayer has reached Level 5020宝贝大师玩家达到等级 50。Wealth MasterPlayer has 100,000 chocolate coins20超级有钱人玩家有 100,000 个巧克力钱币。秘密成就Land OwnerGarden size increased once20地主花园面积变大一次。Sour TowerTower of Sour has 2 pieces20骇蛋图腾柱图腾柱有 2 块图腾。SprinklingEmployed a Sprinkling20浇水妹妹雇用一个浇水工人。Super ShovelAll the Shovel Head upgrades20超级圆锹所有圆锹头都升级。Taffly FertilizerPlayer has made fertilizer with the Taffly20泰菲蝇肥料玩家利用泰菲蝇来制造肥料。Master Land OwnerGarden size at maximum20超级大地主花园达到最大面积。WatchlingEmployed a Watchling20纠察弟弟雇用一个整地工人庆差迟。DiggerlingEmployed a Diggerling20挖宝弟弟雇用一个采矿工人。WeedlingEmployed a Weedling20除草妹妹雇用一个除草工人。GatherlingEmployed a Gatherling20丰收姐姐雇用一个采收工人VariantsMade 5 variant Pi馻tas20变色专家出现 5 种变色宝贝。HarvesterCollected produce from a Buzzlegum, Moozipan or Goobaa20采收专家收集巴索蜂、摩奇牛或古波羊的生产物。Master Sour TowerTower of Sour has 6 pieces20骇蛋图腾柱大师图腾柱有 6 块图腾。GenerosityPlayer turned the Beggar into a Trader20慷慨解囊将乞丐变成商人。Watering Can DoAll the Watering Can upgrades20浇水器专家所有浇水器都升级。EvolverEvolved 2 species20演化专家演化出 2 种宝贝。Cluckles Hatches EggPlayer has hatched an egg using the Cluckles20克拉克鸡孵蛋玩家利用克拉克鸡来孵蛋。HorticulturistFull bonus growth for 5 plants.20园艺家5 种植物加速成长。Shovel StrengthAll the Shovel Handle upgrades.20强力圆锹所有圆锹柄都升级。Pigxie PrizeCross Romancing a Swanana and a Rashberry.20皮克猪大奖 (个人认为这个最搞笑)将史瓦纳天鹅和瑞比猪配对成功。Macaracoon GiftPlayer has been brought a Romance Sweet by a Macaracoon20玛卡浣熊的礼物玩家获得玛卡浣熊送的一颗浪漫糖。Variants MasterMade 20 variant Pinatas.20变色大师出现 20 种变色宝贝。Crowla DelayPlayer has distracted Dastardos with the Crowla.20酷拉鸦诡计玩家利用酷拉鸦来让戴斯塔度分心。Longevity MasterPlayed the game for 50 hours (real time)20花园经营大师实际游戏时间超过 50 小时。Sherbat DancePlayer has distracted Dastardos with the Sherbat.20西班蝠之舞玩家利用西班蝠来让戴斯塔度分心。Master EvolverEvolved 8 species20演化大师演化出 8 种宝贝。Cocoadile TearsPlayer has attained full bonus growth for a plant using the Cocoadile tears.20寇克鳄鱼之泪玩家利用寇克鳄鱼的眼泪,来促进植物生长。Master HorticulturistFull bonus growth for 25 plants.20园艺家大师25 种植物加速成长。Mallowolf HowlPlayer has used the Mallowolf to scare off Ruffians.20马洛狼狂嚎玩家用马洛狼来吓跑流氓小子。Chewnicorn HealingPlayer has healed a Pi馻ta with the Chewnicorn's power.秋尼可独角兽神迹玩家利用秋尼可独角兽的力量,治愈一个宝贝