

2023-07-12 21:26:39 编辑:join 浏览量:578


The Mills award winning directing collective Bif has won the Jury Award at the SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival for their short film Dix. The work is a mixture of live action and CG. Dix is a darkly comic short film featuring a man called Mark and shows the complexities of psychological and obsessive behaviour. Marc always counts to ten as he steps on paving stones.He needs the paving stones in order to be able to get about as he is terrified of walking on lines. In order to get over his phobia he follows a treatment to confront the inner fears which lie behind his obsessive-compulsive disorder......

.......Bif are Jules Janaud Fabrice Le Nezet and Francois Roisin. Dix is part of The Mills ongoing initiative to produce in-house short films and continuing commitment to develop talent within their growing animation team. 马克(伊恩·福尔 Ian Faure 饰)是一个英俊帅气、挺拔阳光的年轻人可是谁也不知道他的心中承受着怎样的痛苦他是一名强迫症患者每当外出时他总会不由自主去数人行道上的地砖从一数到十到第十步时马克便会陷入万劫不复的恐怖臆想之中那一刻整个世界变成了巨大的绞肉机冰冷无情地将他撕成碎片这些血腥的臆想令马克痛苦不堪他只得向心理医生(Alain Choquet 饰)求助医生引导他正视眼前似乎难以逾越的障碍鼓起勇气以粉身碎骨的代价去克服对第十步的恐惧马克最终能否战胜自己呢?


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