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意淋的play with me歌词

2024-10-27 20:55:35 编辑:join 浏览量:604

意淋的play with me歌词

It's hot in here

Take off your fears(畏惧)

I am gonna take the lead boy

Follow me

A mood(语气,情绪) sets in

Grooves(槽) locked in

I don't want to be tame(驯服)

Now come with me

Straight up, street level

I'm no role model

You don't have to take me home

We can do it right here

I'll bring the toys so come on

Why don't you take me head on

Play with me

Let's talk positions(主张,位置,立场)

Let's turn the lights on

So you can play with me

Are you scared(惊吓的)

hold my stare(盯,凝视)

It's not against the law boy

Be tempted(诱惑)

Hang with me

Let it be

I'll take you on a trip

You never had

I admire(钦佩) your resistance(抵抗力)

Let me try again

Change your mind, don't be shy

Boy, let me try again

Try me out, take a test(测试) drive

Let me try again....



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