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1. 1.思想的不同,从我开始读书,妈妈不让我和其他同学玩,让我用功读书,他们的思想是只有学习好,以后就生活的好,而我并不那样想,小时候我们有爱玩的天性,这时与父母思想开始不同了。

2. 2.我的叛逆性,我在父母的心中永远是个孩子,父母会觉得自己的想法会比我的想法更正确,许多时候会把自己的想法强加在我的身上,我又不愿意接受。上高中时,父母每天叫我学习,我就觉得很烦,就故意不学习,来对抗父母。

3. 3.我与父母的沟通时间减少,我一天天长大,我和父母的距离也随着变大,我和父母在一起的时间少了,许多事我不告诉他们会自己去做。

4. 4.有自己的秘密,我的秘密一天天变得多了起来,现在我觉得我一是大人了,我会去聚会或喝酒,而我更本不知道怎样告诉父母。generation gap

i'm 21/f your a male right?

nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?

I know a way we can chat and have a better time.. do you cam?

Well i don't do yahoo cam or any other cam because i have been recorded before... But i do know one site you can watch me on cam, that assures me no one records...

For complete beginners ‘it’s a pen’ (韦丽涟)

The teacher is working with complete beginners. She starts by walking into the class, greeting the students in a lively and cheerful way. It is the first time she has seen them, so she tells them her name and, with a combination of mime and expression, gets them to tell her their names. Then she pantomines finding an extraordinary object in her bag and holds up a pen as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. She has students repeat the word and then shows other objects which they learn the names of too. Then she demonstrates the sentences ‘It’s a pen/ It’s a table’ and then students practicing saying them. If she thinks they can take it, she introduces the question ‘What is it?’ and gets students practicing asking and answering questions.

As soon as she thinks they are ready, she gets them to role-play a scene I n which two people wake up to find themselves in a darkened room. They have to find out what things in the room are by touch and asking ‘what is




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