当前位置:知识问问>生活百科>柯达广告歌曲一直有人问歌词是哦~~咿呀哟嗨哟哇这歌叫什么名字,英格玛《return to innocence

柯达广告歌曲一直有人问歌词是哦~~咿呀哟嗨哟哇这歌叫什么名字,英格玛《return to innocence

2024-09-27 06:19:58 编辑:join 浏览量:602

柯达广告歌曲一直有人问歌词是哦~~咿呀哟嗨哟哇这歌叫什么名字,英格玛《return to innocence

《Return To Innocence》是1996年亚特兰大奥运会宣传片歌曲,被译为《返璞归真》。许多人会对它的旋律感到非常熟悉,特别是那几句啊呀啊呀啊......。1996年,这首歌回归纯真的主题正好契合了奥运会百年纪念的主题,所以,亚特兰大奥组委就在奥运会的宣传片里,选用了这首歌。 这首来自伟大乐队Enigma的音乐是我最喜欢的 NEW AGE MUSIC,曲中台湾阿美族艺术家郭英男老先生贯穿全曲哼唱的《老人饮酒歌》是如此具有穿透力,以至于让我每每联想到广阔无垠的天空、草原、大海,每每被其感动。


Love - Devotion Feeling - Emotion Don't be afraid to be weak Don't be too proud to be strong Just look into your heart my friend That will be the return to yourself The return to innocence The return to innocence If you want, then start to laugh If you must, then start to cry Be yourself don't hide Just believe in destiny Don't care what people say Just follow your own way Don't give up and use the chance To return to innocence That's not the beginning of the end That's the return to yourself The return to innocence That's the return to innocence


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