当前位置:知识问问>生活百科>the tempation ( to steal ) is greater than ever before 求这种用不定式作定语的例句。谢

the tempation ( to steal ) is greater than ever before 求这种用不定式作定语的例句。谢

2023-12-23 23:22:27 编辑:join 浏览量:585

the tempation ( to steal ) is greater than ever before 求这种用不定式作定语的例句。谢

the tepptation to steal is greater than ever before.=the tepptation which is / that is to steal is greater than ever before.句子的主干是the tepptation is greater than ever before 那个……比以往任耐渗何时候都要大现在这里the tepptation to steal =the tepptation which is / that is to steal动词不定式形式是to do sth.这里用动词steal的不定式,即 to steal 来作为定语,修饰前面昌大脊的那个tepptation,表示是用于干……的那个tepptation, 要……的那个tepptation动词不定式可以作为定语,来修饰前面的先行词的,如the pen to get is here 要拿的那个笔在这里至于ever before一般是出现在比较级中 sth. is adj的比较级 than ever before表示 :比以仿弊往任何时候都要……, 程度比单单的before要加重了点~


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