

2023-03-19 22:40:43 编辑:join 浏览量:622

问题补充说明:中英互译作业 广告代理不隶属于广告主、媒体或供应商,所以它能够给广告主的企业带来外界的、客观的观点——这种状况是广告主不可能达到的。广告代理雇用一系列的业务人员和创意人员,包括管理人员、会计师、营销人员、研究人员、市场和媒体分析人员、文案作者、美术人员。 国际营销者必须考虑人口统计特征(人口的规模,人口增长的速度,教育水平,人口密度,年龄结构和人口的构成),经济因素(人均国民生产总值,收入分配,国民生产总值的增长速度),地理特征(国家的大小和气候条件),政治法律环境(政治的稳定性,法律和法规)。 The basic problem of media selection is choosing media that reach the markets or market segments the advertiser is trying to sell to. Accomplishing this involves, broadly speaking, three steps or decisions. First, the general type or types of media must be decided upon. That is, should the advertiser use newspapers, magazines, television, and so forth, or a combination of these? Second, a decision must be made as to the class of media within a particular medium type. For example, if the advertiser decides upon magazines, should women’s magazines or home magazines be used? If television is decided upon, should network or local spots be used? And should commercial be placed in the format of news, drama, acrobatic shows, or music? Third, the particular medium must be decided upon. In the case of women’s magazines, should it be McCall’s, or the Ladies’ Home Journal, or Good Housekeeping, or some combination of these? For network television, should it be ‘As the World Turns,’ ‘Cheers,’ or ‘NFL Football’? The number of possible choices and combinations makes this no simple task. But even more important is the complexity of the problem behind media selection——the marketing plan itself. 4、Some people may look upon media planning and selection as rather mechanical and matter of fact, but in fact, they can be as creative a part of advertising as copywriting and art. The success of any advertising effort depends as much upon the medium as the message. The mechanical part of the media function is likely to be as routine as any record-keeping or housekeeping operation. But the planning and selection of the right media to match the advertiser’s marketing objectives as delineated in the marketing plan can be both an imaginative and a rewarding endeavor. It is also a vital one, because the greatest portion of all advertising dollars is spent on media. 如果完全是用google翻译过来贴给我就不要回答! 适当的组织语言,要求有条理,语言通顺













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