

2023-10-10 18:18:03 编辑:join 浏览量:588


中文简介:汽车人和军方正策划一场针对霸天虎的秘密战争.随着越来越多的变形金刚重新浮出水面,人们发现这些机 器人在地球上的历史远比他们想象的要古老,有些官员甚至猜测是汽车人招来了霸天虎,提出要赶汽车人走.擎天柱不希望让地球处于无人保护的状态下、任由霸天虎肆虐,于是他向萨姆求助,请求他当汽车人的代言人,去说服人类让汽车人留下来.萨姆拒绝了,他要上大学,想和别的人一样过正常的生活,不过他未能如愿,因为他身上的魔方碎片通过原始的能量影响着他,使他产生种种奇怪的想法和幻觉.萨姆拒绝当代言人给他自己、给汽车人以及全世界都带来了洞孙严重的后果,霸天虎的领袖威差租震天复活了,随之而来的还有变形金刚历史上远古的恶魔 英文对照:The car and the military is planning a secret war against the decepticons.As more and more transformers resurfaced,it was found that the robot in the earth's history than they imagine to be the oldest,and even some officials speculated that people brought the Decepticons car,the car to catch up with people walking.He do not want to let the earth is no one to protect the state,let Decepticon rampant,so he asked Sam for help,asking him when the vehicle's voice,to convince humans make the car to stay.Sam refused,he should go to university,and other people want to live a normal life,but he was unable to do so,because his body through the raw energy of fragments Cube affect him,so that he produced all kinds of strange ideas and visions.When Sam refused to give him their spokesman,to the car as well as the world has brought serious consequences,the Decepticon leader Megatron resurrected,also accompanied the transformers the devil in ancient history. 亲,不知道你上过新虚颤兆概念吗?有些特殊句词还是会出现的,但我尽力删修了一些,这些称号还是难了点,有问题可以提出来!o(∩_∩)o!


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