

2023-08-22 09:16:47 编辑:join 浏览量:560



无敌浩克/绿巨人2/新变形侠医(港) The Incredible Hulk ------- (2008)

钢铁侠/钢铁人(台)/铁甲奇侠(港) Iron Man ------- (2008)

True Believer: The Father of Super Heroes ------- (2008)

Fanpire ------- (2008)

神奇四侠2:银影侠来袭/神奇四侠2:银影侠/神奇四侠2:银影侠现身/神奇四侠2:银影侠的威胁 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer ------- (2007)

Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist ------- (2007)

Mosaic ------- (2007)

蜘蛛侠3/蜘蛛人3(台)/蜘蛛侠3(港) Spider-Man 3 ------- (2007)

Moebius Redux: A Life in Pictures ------- (2007)

The Condor ------- (2007)

Marvel Then and Now: An Evening with Stan Lee and Joe Quesada ------- (2007)

Look, Up in the Sky: The Amazing Story of Superman ------- (2006)

X战警3/变种特攻3/X战警3:最后据点/变种特攻两极争霸 X-Men: The Last Stand ------- (2006)

谁愿成为超级英雄? "Who Wants to Be a Superhero?" ------- (2006)

Make Your Own Damn Movie! ------- (2005)

Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight - The Road to Gotham City ------- (2005)

神奇四侠/惊奇4超人/F4超人 Fantastic Four ------- (2005)

Legends of the Dark Knight: The History of Batman ------- (2005)

Making the Amazing ------- (2004)

Hero in Crisis ------- (2004)

G-Phoria 2004 ------- (2004)


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