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EPICA乐队[Safeguard to paradise]中文翻译?

2023-08-06 09:48:17 编辑:join 浏览量:597

EPICA乐队[Safeguard to paradise]中文翻译?

Memories that fade away

Have not left their mark 日渐褪色的记忆去无留痕

But you live on, every single day


In many different ways 但你仍已不同的方式活着,过着每一天

It's the truth between his cunning lies

That hands him his suspicious alibis 是横亘在他那巧舌如簧编织的谎言中的真相,他那令人生疑的不在场证明


Persuading with your force will never be the way

To our destiny 终让你明白这不会是通向命运的通途



Suddenly we've lost the force

To close our cursed doors我们突然没了关上那被诅咒之门的气力

No one seems to realise

That wolves are in disguise似乎没人意识狼们已然披着伪装

It's the truth between his cunning lies

That hands him his suspicious alibis

Persuading with your force will never be the way

To our destiny(重复)

Your engine was so strong

But the road was just too long 纵然你有十足马力,但前路漫长

Hope is not the end 希望不是终点,永远不要失去信念

So never lose the faith

As long as we can say

They can never take away

Our freedom, the most precious thing we've ever had

The reward from the blood, we've ever shed 至少我们能说,没人能夺走那最珍贵的,用鲜血换来的自由

His quest for higher truth, life of eternal youth has just begun,

in spite of being on the run 他叩问那深层的真实,尽管总在路上,但永元年轻的生命才刚启航

Many virgins wait for him to come 很多处女地待他来开启

Persuading with your force will never be the way

To our destiny

Our destiny (最后这里我已经没法翻了)


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