

2023-07-16 02:14:43 编辑:join 浏览量:583


gray [英 [greɪ] 美 [ɡre] ]

过去式:grayed; 过去分词:grayed; 现在分词:graying;

gray 基本解释名词灰色; 灰马; 灰色颜料; 暗淡的光线

形容词灰色的; 灰白头发的; 阴暗的; (指脸因恐惧、生病等)苍白的



gray 相关例句形容词

1. gray在线翻译

1. His hair is gray.


2. He was still looking gray and very tired.


3. He was already gray at 30.



1. He's graying at the temples.



1. They were dressed in gray.


gray 情景对话打电话


A:Hello. Can I speak to Alice, please?


B:Hold on, please.


A:Thank you.



B:Sorry, but shes out.


A:Would you tell her Tom Gray called?


B:Id be glad to.


gray 网络解释1. 格雷:直 到1842 年 南澳 的 新 总 督 格 雷(Gray)采 取了一系列 措施, 加上 大铜 矿的 发现 才使 南澳 繁荣 起 来. 新 南 威尔士 政府 派人于 1824 年 到 昆 士兰 (Queensland) 建立了 第一个定 居点, 那是 为了 惩 罚 顽 固 犯人.

2. 灰:其实,所谓的战胜点(Battle Victory Points)是一些有颜色的小金字塔,不同的颜色匹配不同的战役:红(red), 黄(yellow),绿( green), 蓝(blue) and 灰(gray).你是通过收集这些战胜点(Battle Victory Points)来赢得战斗的,

3. gray:gr.; 青毛

gray 双语例句1. gray的意思

1. Kyungin Korean company's high-Series Light reactive, colors K - HL Red Yellow Blue, plus two monochrome high-Light gray and purple, a total of five varieties.


2. A type of ink products, mixing produce grey CMY value is constant, that is, a certain proportion of the ink of gray balance is constant values, so we measured the ink gray balance, you can according to that balance to correction image so business card printing and membership card crafted image in adjusted accurately reproduce color appearance of remedying the shortcomings of this kind of ink.


3. A coat of gray primer was next...


4. If be a website by K or it is to fall counterpoised, so this paragraph of time he is to be full of scowl, face to take gray.


5. In this dissertation, we propose two region-based segmentation algorithms and two edge-based segmentation algorithms for echocardiographic images. The first proposed algorithm of region-based segmentation scheme is fuzzy Hopfield neural network with fixed weight approach. This approach incorporated the global gray-level information and local gray-level information to construct a fuzzy Hopfield neural network. When the network converges to a stable state, the segmentation result will be obtained. A new approach using alpha-shape points is another proposed algorithm of region-based category. The region of interest corresponds to one of the clusters under a properly selected alpha. We identify the heart chamber in the ultrasound image by comparing the similarity between the alpha-connected components against the heart chamber obtained from the AQ image.


6. There is a broken small old gray stone bridge over the river.


7. On Friday, Beijing's downtown noon skies were a dull gray and sme(中文邮件格式:邮件的主题是为了让收件人看到邮件之后对该邮件有个大体了解,确定邮件的紧急、重要程度、有效、有用性的;所以在写主题的时候最主要的突出 什么事、重要程度等关键信息;可以按照以下方式和思路去写:格式:修饰词+邮件内容+时间+发件人。如果有必要的话还可以在主题上加上紧急程度和邮件的主体内容,清晰明了。)lled faintly of smoke.


8. On Friday, Beijings downtown noon skies were a dull gray and smelled faintly of smoke.


9. After a cramped 15-hour flight from Chicago O'Hare to Shanghai Pudong, my mom and I arrived in Shanghai, a city so overcrowded and polluted that people played badminton on the public shopping streets undermeath an etermally gray sky.


10. The method is robust to gray, rotation, translation, and so on.


11. It is a log chair as one flower basket in which lies a gray rose.


12. gray的意思

12. This neutral grey, also known as laodelphax, which is a non-color components of gray.



13. It was a gray, cool autumn day and all the bees were home, now agitated by the surgery.


14. The color gray is a cool, and stable color. If everything is gray, your mood seems to be very gray as well, but....


15. As he faced the cool gray eyes which, effortlessly, seemed to bore into him


16. gray什么意思

16. SOLAR COOL GRAY: A blue/gray tinted reflected glass to cut ultraviolet light and solar heat gain.



17. And he looked into the cool gray eyes of the stranger across the fire, and when he spoke again it was in quite a different voice.


18. Gradually the cool dim gray of the morning whitened, and as gradually sounds multiplied and life manifested itself


19. Relentlessly shot, trapped, and poisoned, even in nature reserves, gray wolves were gone from the West by the 1930s. In 1974, when Canis lupus was declared endangered in the lower 48 states, the gray wolf population was confined to a corner of northern Minnesota and Michigan's Isle Royale National Park out in Lake Superior.


20. gray什么意思

20. It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it's gray.


gray 词典解释1. -> see grey

gray 单语例句 1. While smokers in Hong Kong seek their havens from the smoking ban, a businessman tried to take advantage of a gray area in the law.

2. Although the authorities have reinforced it and decorated outside with gray ceramic tiles, the cottage looks ancient in comparison.

3. It is crucial to go on a clear day, for a gray sky could take away from much of the charm.

4. It's very gray and drizzly so we need things to cheer us up.

5. Gray Davis, forcing the moderator to repeatedly chide them for straying from the subject.

6. Witnesses said a gray Toyota Camry drove through a parking lot on the same side of the DeSoto Civic Center as the president's exit.

7. It was nearly 6 pm when the first point was played, and the heavy gray clouds clustered overhead limited the light.

8. A pair of short squat stone structures often sits in front of the door, sticking out conspicuously against the fresh coat of gray paint on the wall.

9. Maze of the Middle Class, is finished with a gray and subdued color scheme.

10. Besides traditional matt gray tones, there are cool metals and earthy coloured merchandise.


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