What's he like? 他为人怎么样?
What shortcoming does he think he has ? 他认为他有什么缺点?
What is he good at ? 他擅长什么?
In what kind of way does he get on with others? 怎么和别人相处?
What's his habit?他有什么爱好?
What language does he know ? 他通晓哪些语言?
How old is he? 他多大了?
What does your sister look like?你姐姐长什么样子?
what about his appearence?他的外貌是什么样子?
Is he tall ?他长得高么?
Is he handsome?他长得帅么?
How smart is he?他有多聪明?
Is he a very gentleman?他是不是很绅士?
Is he reckless?他是不是很鲁莽?
How's his temper?他的脾气怎么样?