

2023-05-30 23:56:48 编辑:join 浏览量:607


1、Decorate the Christmas Tree(装饰圣诞树)Decorate the Christmas tree to increase the festive atmosphere of joy and symbolize the longevity of life.装饰圣诞树,以增加节日的欢乐气氛,象征生命长存。The trees are decorated with candles, colorful flowers, toys, stars, and hang various Christmas gifts.树上装饰着各种灯烛、彩花、玩具、星星,挂上各种圣诞礼物。2、Lighting up the Christmas candle(点燃圣诞蜡烛)Christians need to light candles at Christmas, which stems from the persecution of Christians in earlier years.对于基督教徒来说,圣诞节自是需要点燃蜡烛的,这源于早些年代基督教徒深受迫害。When they could not preach and pray, so they could only use candles to imply silent prayer in their hearts.当时的他们不能布道祈祷,因此只能以蜡烛暗示心中默默的祷告。3、Mutual Christmas cards(互赠圣诞卡片)People send Christmas cards on Christmas Day to show their longing for distant relatives and friends.人们在圣诞节这一天会寄送圣诞卡片,以表现对于远方亲友的思念。Christmas cards usually contain pictures of the Christmas season, such as snow, snowmen, Santa Claus and reindeer.圣诞节卡片一般印有圣诞节期间的图片,比如雪景、雪人、圣诞老人和驯鹿等。There are also cards with Christian elements, such as the scene of the birth of Jesus.还有一些印有基督元素的贺卡,比如耶稣降生的场景。4、Send gifts to loved ones(给亲友送礼物)This tradition comes from the three Oriental Doctors who sent gifts to Jesus when he was born.这个传统来自于耶稣出生的时候,三位东方博士给耶稣送来贺礼。So every Christmas, relatives and friends give gifts to each other.因此每年圣诞节的时候,亲朋好友都会互赠礼品。5、Eat Christmas food(食用圣诞食物)It is a tradition to enjoy special delicacies at Christmas. Before that, people drank plum porridge.圣诞节享用特定美食是英式传统,最初人们喝的是梅花粥。Later, preserved fruits, honey and other foods were gradually added, and then the plum porridge was replaced by Christmas cake.后来慢慢增加了果脯、蜂蜜与其他等,而后圣诞蛋糕代替了梅花粥。Of course, some places will prepare other food, which depends on the region.当然有的地方也会准备其他食物,这就需要根据地域而定了。


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