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at present用什么时态

2023-04-07 14:58:30 编辑:join 浏览量:842

at present用什么时态

at present用 一般现在者物时态。at presentnow; during this period of time现在At present he is a professor of physics.他现在是物理学教授。I can't think of any fit person just at present.我现在一下想不首逗液出什么适合的人。We don't need any more at present.现在我们不再需要什么了。短语at present 现在指察at the present stage 在现阶段 ; 现阶段 ; 目前at this present writing 写本文或书时jointly at the present 此刻Succeed At At Present 成功在现在at fhe present time 目前Reality At At Present 现实就在眼前at the present day 目前 ; 在现代 ; 当今At The Present Age 在当代


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