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call for 是什么意思?

2023-04-02 22:02:54 编辑:join 浏览量:616

call for 是什么意思?

1.call forTo appear, as on someone else's premises, in order to get:去拿:出现在他人房舍内以图有所得:My chauffeur will call for you at seven.我的汽车司机七点钟会到你那儿去取To be an appropriate occasion for:适合采拿宏孙取:是一恰当的机会:This news calls for champagne.这个消息值得开香槟酒庆祝To require; demand:要求;绝伏需要:work that calls for patience.需要耐心的工作======== 喊着要人取来(某物);喊着要(某人)来 ask in a loud voice for (sth. or sb.) to be brought or to come · I'll call for it on my way home this evening. 我今晚回家时顺便来取。 去取;来取;去或来接(某人) go or come to fetch;go or come to take (sb.) · She called for the books she had lent me. 她来拿回她借给我的书。 需要 require · Every step forward made by the revolutioon calls for a struggle. 革命每前进一步都得经过斗争。 · The baby is calling for his mother. 婴孩叫着要母亲。 要求 demand · Our class calls for a debate on the subject. 我们班级要求对这个问题进行辩论。 · I'消链m afraid what I said just now was not called for. 恐怕我刚才说的话本来是不必讲的。 · More work does not necessarily call for more men. 增加工作不一定需要增添人员。 规定 provide for · The design calls for two doors and four windows. 设计规定要两门四窗。


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