1、There are two bedrooms downstairs w360问答ith a full bath,a workout room,a laundr器其硫什供能强食充演促y room,an期触仍d a sauna roomski storage area.楼下有两间卧室,一个厕所,一间健身房,一持北攻无间洗衣房,此外还有一个桑拿间和雪橇放置区。
2、Wip易曾日首措盾皇策艺象她e down laundry benches and wall behind laundry tub and bench.擦净洗衣房的操作台以及操作台和洗涤槽后面的墙壁。
3、That you came running out of the dorm laundry room screaming升雨约孔质怎.你尖叫着从洗衣房冲出来。
4、三获育木举作力龙Maybe Snake accidentally washed the microfilm in the laundry.也许大首领不小心在洗衣房里把那卷胶卷给冲了?
5、That you came running out of the dorm laundry room screaming.你尖叫着从洗衣房冲出来。