HAPPY CHINESE VALENTINE'S DAYMay the joy of .... festival bring you Valentine happiness.通译 the seventh evening of the seventh month 或 the seventh evening of July (其实用July是不对的。)大陆译 Double Seven Festival 或 Seventh Evening Festival 老外书译 festival of the cowherd and the weaving maiden (牛郎织女) 老外俗译 Chinese Valentine's Day (中雹芹国掘肆州的华伦天情人节)。 在台湾,叫做Chi Hsi Festival,通称七巧节。 在香港,叫做The Seven Sisters Festival(七姐诞); Hat Hau Festival (乞巧节),也叫七巧判蔽节 。 日本叫做Tanabata,即‘七夕’
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