

2024-01-04 04:54:54 编辑:join 浏览量:536


姐啊,为了回答你的问题我专门把那个游戏玩了。。这就是前门报纸的内容,我一个字一个字打的。。。daily ragnews for the area that this game was situated in...October 31st 1973SIGHTINGS OF WEIRD LIGHTS IN THE AREA.people have been seeing weird'orb's' in the area.,many have tried to capture them on camera, but falled.HALLOWEEN IS HERE!Everybody is getting ready for Halloween. Costume hire shops are empty and parties are arranged all over town.Don't forget to take care when you're out and aboutWOMAN MURDERS HUSBAND IN COLD BLOOD, THEN HANGS HERSELF...Police recently found two bodies in an abandoned house. The house has been abandoned for many years and no-one in town goes near the place. Rumours of weird sounds, strange lights and screams coming from the house.They found a man who had been murdered and a woman'缓孙蔽s body hanging from the rafters in the attic. It seems that the woman killed the man before hanging herself. Her Diary suggested she had become increasingly paranoid about her husband's behaviour in the months before Halloween.Police were reluctant to explore the house further due to it being unstable and...玩的过程中有些日记残页,就是那个女的怀疑她老公种种奇怪的行为,和他老公吵架之类的嘛。然后前门的报纸上报道,这个女的残忍杀害她的丈夫上吊自杀了。警方在荒废房屋内找到两具尸体。女人的日记证明她是妄想狂,在万圣节前几个月怀疑丈夫的行为。警方不愿过多探索这栋房屋,因为它并不稳扰州固……后面的就没显示了,只有这些。望楼主采纳。凯没。。


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