

2023-07-04 06:54:19 编辑:join 浏览量:602




各位可不要表达成“Persistence is victory”, 这句话虽然语法结构上没有错误,但却不够地道。


If you keep on, you will succeed in time.



Insist on sth Persist in sth 例如:Insist on the fulfilment of a contract 坚持履行合同;persist in one's belief 坚持某人的信念

除上述两个最常见的表达之外,今天我们一起学习下, 关于“坚持”的其他表达和用法

Maintain 坚持、保持 例如:maintain the socialist system Persevere 坚持不懈、百折不挠 例如:Persevere in one's struggle against sth Uphold 坚持、高举 例如:uphold solidarity among the nationalities 坚持名族团结 【延伸发散】与uphold相似的另外一个表达--- hold on to ,也是“坚持、坚守”的意思

adhere to: 坚持 例如:坚持 四项基本原则 :adhere to the four cardinal principles 【延伸发散】与adhere to相似的另外一个表达--- cling to ,也是“坚持、坚守”的意思



坚持不懈的努力 → make unremitting efforts (固定说法,不要想着创新,自己创造出个新的表达) 坚持自己的主张 → stick to one's gun 就某一主张、观点坚持到底 → press home an argument/a point 抱残守缺,坚持到底 → cling to the outmoded shibboleths 最后,我们再看看在不同的语句情景下, 该如何最地道地表达“坚持” ?

◢ 他总是坚持传统的观点

■ He always insists on out-dated views.

√ He's always on the angel's side.

◢ 你为什么总是坚持己见呢?

■ Why do you always stick to your own opinions?

√ Why do you always stand to your assertion?

◢ 我怀疑他能否坚持到底

■ I doubt if he can persist to the end.

√ I doubt if he can go the distance.

◢ 我弟弟非常坚定要做这件事,八头牛都拉不回来

■ My younger brother was adamant at starting it at once .

√ My younger brother was hellbent on starting it at once.

◢ 我认为他不够坚定,不会坚持到底的

■ I don't think he's too determined too hold on to the end.

√ I don't think he's sufficiently dedicated to stay the course.

◢ 他们坚持要求提高工资

■ They are persist in higher wages.

√ They are sticking out for higher wages.

◢ 他的态度并非 咄咄逼人 而是 坚持己见

■ His attitude is not aggressive but stubborn.

√ His attitude is not so much aggressive but pertinacious.



接下来我们再看看,与坚持意思相反的 放弃 ,又有哪些表达?

◢ 最简单的说法便是give up

例如:I am never one to give up. 我绝不轻易言弃

◢ 除了give up外,还有以下说法和表达

最后,我们再来学习一个关于“放弃”的短语---chuck up the sponge


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