百度公司 ( Baidu.com,Inc ) 于1999年底成立于美国硅谷,它的创建者为资深信息检索技术专家、超链分析专利的唯一持有人——百度总裁李彦宏,及其好友——在硅谷有多年商界成功经验的百度执行副总裁徐勇博士。2000 年,百度回国发展超链分析技术,这是新一代搜索引擎的关键技术,已为世界各大搜索引擎普遍采用。百度的起名,来自于"众里寻她千百度"的灵感,它寄托着百度公司对自身技术的信心。
Baidu, Inc. (Chinese: 百度; pinyin: Bǎidù, NASDAQ: BIDU), simply known as Baidu and incorporated on January 18, 2000, is a Chinese web services company headquartered in the Baidu Campus in Haidian District, Beijing, People's Republic of China.
Baidu offers many services, including a Chinese search engine for websites, audio files, and images. Baidu offers 57 search and community services including Baidu Baike, an online collaboratively-built encyclopedia, and a searchable keyword-based discussion forum. Baidu was established in 2000 by co-founders, Robin Li and Eric Xu. Both of the co-founders are Chinese nationals who have studied and worked overseas before returning to China. Baidu.com Inc. is registered in the Cayman Islands. In April 2010, Baidu ranked 7th overall in Alexa's internet rankings. In December 2007, Baidu became the first Chinese company to be included in the NASDAQ-100 index.
Baidu provides an index of over 740 million web pages, 80 million images, and 10 million multimedia files. Baidu offers multi-media content including MP3 music and movies, and is the first in China to offer WAP and PDA-based mobile search.
Baidu proactively censors its content in line with government regulations.