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急求~!!!怪物史莱克四的中英文台词吖 0 0

2024-10-19 13:43:33 编辑:join 浏览量:524

急求~!!!怪物史莱克四的中英文台词吖 0 0

怪物史莱克4 Shrek Forever After 英文剧本

Once upon a time, a long time ago,

a king and queen had a beautiful daughter named Fiona.

But she was possessed by a terrible curse.

By day, a lovely princess. By night, a hideous ogre.

Only true love's kiss could lift her curse.

So Fiona waited in a tower, guarded by a dragon, until the day

when her true love would arrive.

But as the days turned into years,

the King and Queen were forced to resort to more desperate measures.

Whoa, there.

I don't know about this, Lillian.

Fairy Godmother said only true love's kiss could break Fiona's curse.

I don't trust that woman, Harold. This may be our last hope.

Besides, he does come highly recommended by King Midas.

But to put our daughter's life in the hands of this... person?

He's devious. He's deceitful. He's, he's...


Mrs. Highness.

How do you do?

Down, Fifi. Get down!

As you can see, everything's in order.

So you'll put an end to our daughter's curse?

And, in return, you sign the kingdom of Far Far Away over to me.

- Lillian, this is madness! - What choice do we have?

Fiona has been locked away in that tower far too long.

It's not like she's getting any younger.

But to sign over our entire kingdom?

Well, if your kingdom's worth more to you than your daughter...

Nothing is worth more to us than our daughter.

Jump, Fifi, jump!

Just sign it and all your problems will disappear.

Your Highness! The Princess! She's been saved!

Who saved her?

No one would have guessed that an ogre named Shrek,

whose roar was feared throughout the land,

would save the beautiful Princess Fiona.

True love's kiss led to marriage and ogre babies!

The kingdom of Far Far Away was finally at peace.

Goody for them! And they lived happily ever after!

Sir? You're gonna have to pay for that.

Maybe we could make a deal for it, little boy?

- Oh, I'm not a real boy. - Do you want to be?

Nobody needs your deals anymore, Grumpel Stinkypants!

I wish that ogre was never born!

Wake up, Daddy, wake up!

- Good morning. - Good morning to you.

Better out than in.

That's my line.

Did my little Fergus make a...

...big, grownup ogre stink?!

Oh, that's diabolical!

And on your left, the lovable lug that showed us you don't have to

change your undies to change the world!

I wonder what Shrek's up to in there.

Get in there. Get... Impossible to put on!

OK, the dragon goes under the bridge, through the loop...

...and finally, into the castle.

Play date!

Then Shrek kissed the Princess.

She turned into a beautiful ogre and they lived...


- Ever... - After.

Look! A shooting star!

So, what did you wish for?

That every day could be like this one.

Come here, you.

Morning, Daddy.


Better out than in.

Did my little Fergus make a...

Cute. Real cute.

This lovable lug taught us

you don't have to change your undies to change the world!

Play date!

Shrek! The outhouse is clogged up!

She turned into a beautiful ogre and they lived...

- Happily... - Ever...


- Daddy, get up! - Morning.

- Better out than in. - This lovable lug...

- Play date! - No!

Outhouse again!

Come on.



- Get up, get up! - And they lived...

- Happily... - Ever...



Nice landing, baby.

Hey! Now remember, don't eat the valet.

Happy birthday, ninos! Vamos a la fiesta!

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