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this is my story

2024-10-12 21:25:26 编辑:join 浏览量:610

this is my story

Hi guy,this is my story

Once upon a time,there was a boy who was good at studying,he not only did well

in each subject,but also liked playing each sport,just like basketball,he was

very confident,he was light-hearted.

However,he was interested in playing computer games soon and his skill had been

made great progress in the most games.He did't know that it would make him bad.So

He began to stay up playing it and without stopping.His parents also told him

something is good for him,but he didn't care.So,his mark was not as good as he

used to be.

By now,he was a 15-year-old boy,he starts to learn about something and it's easy

for his parents to educate it.He realizes that if he doesn't stop playing,he will

fall in it.He tries his best to study well and listen to the teacher carefully,

it seems that he forgets anything about playing games.Though his mark is not good,

he never gives up studying.

He swears if he dose a good job,he will be matriculated in an ideal college

That boy is me.trust me,soon,a new boy will appeare.


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