

2023-12-21 01:06:54 编辑:join 浏览量:612


I am the Terror that Flaps in the night. I am the winged Scourge that 邪恶军团(耐歌德军团) pecks at your nigthmares. I Am Darkwing Duck! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是在你噩梦中折磨你的带坦歼翅膀的蛔虫~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the ITCH that ITCH's Your trigger finger! I AM DARKWING DUCK!!!!! 我是暗夜陪喊里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是你食指上的牛皮癣~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the telephone operator that disconnects your phone call! I am Darwing Duck! 我是暗夜里飞翔的芦信野恐怖~ 我是切断你电话的接线员~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the batteries that aren't included. I am Darwing Duck!!! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是没装弹药的大炮~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the bubble gum that clings to your shoe. I am Darwing Duck!!! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是粘在你鞋底的口香糖~ 我就是~飞天~德! (这个俺最喜欢) I am the terror that flaps in the night I am the wrong number that wakes you at 3 am. I am Darwing Duck!!! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是凌晨三点把你吵醒的打错的电话~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night I am the onions that stink in your eyes I am Darkwing Duck! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是把你眼睛刺得流泪的洋葱头~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am... obviously out of my trademark blue smoke. 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是……看来我招牌的蓝色烟雾用光了 I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am a special news bulletin that interrupts your favorite show. I am Darkwing Duck! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是打断你最喜欢的电视剧的特别插播新闻~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the low ratings that cancel your program. I am DARKWING DUCK! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是终止你项目进展的低投票率~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the slug that slimes your Begonias. I am DARKWING DUCK! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是趴在你海棠花上的鼻涕虫~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the chainsaw that cuts down the trees of crime. I am.....DARKWING DUCK!!! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是砍掉罪恶之树的链锯~ 我就是~飞天~德! "I am the terror that flaps in the night... I am the weirdo that sits next to you on the bus! I am DARKWING DUCK!!! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是在公交车上紧挨着你的怪人~ 我就是~飞天~德! I am the terror that flaps in the night... I am the surprise you find in your cereal box! I am DARKWING DUCK!!! 我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~ 我是你在麦片盒子里发现的惊喜~ 我就是~飞天~德!


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