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belong to等于什么

2023-08-23 01:58:43 编辑:join 浏览量:669

belong to等于什么

belong to等于什么

belong to 属于

be owned by 属于

a part of 属于

belong to: vt. 属于(为...之一员) 例句与用法: 1. You and I belong to different political camps. 你和我属于不同的政治阵营。 2. The more help a man have in his garden, the less it belong to him. 花园里帮忙的人手愈多,就愈不成为自己的花园。 3. What party do you belong to? 你属于哪一党派? 4. Land belonging to the crown does not belong to the king personally but to the state. 皇室的领地并非属于国王私人所有,而是属于国家的。 5. Do you belong to a union? 你属于某个工会吗? 6. I belong to Glasgow. 我是格拉斯哥人. 7. Do wolves belong to the canine species? 狼是犬科动物吗? 8. Alder trees belong to the birch family. 赤杨属于桦木科。 英英解释: 动词belong to:1. be a part or adjunct

belong to 指属于,貌似没有同义词


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