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求一首英文歌歌词好像是take me from the dark so shine on me

2023-02-21 17:40:33 编辑:join 浏览量:577

求一首英文歌歌词好像是take me from the dark so shine on me

中文名称:勇气战胜恐惧外文名称:Guts Over Fear歌曲原唱:Eminem,Sia歌词:Feels like a close, it’s coming to感觉即将走到终点Fuck am I gonna do? / It*s too late to start over我该要做些什么,重头再来已是太迟this is the only thing I, thing I know这是我唯一熟知的事情Sometimes i feel like all I ever do is有时候我觉得我曾做的一切Find different ways to word the same, old song是在找寻不同的方式写同样的老歌Ever since I came along自从我独自到来From the day the song called ‘’Hi! My Name Is’’ dropped自从my name is这首歌横空出世Started thinking my name was fault我就开始认为我的名字是个错误Cause anytime things went wrong因为每当有事情出错I was the one who they would blame it on我就是那个他们会指责的人The media made me the equivalent of a modern-day Genghis Kahn媒体将我刻画成当代的成吉思汗Tried to argue it was only entertainment, dawg我试图争辩,一切只不过是娱乐而已Gangsta? Naw, courageous balls匪帮制图,不,我只是有无畏的勇气罢了Had to change my style, they said I*m way too soft我不得不改变我的风格,他们说我的唱得太软了And I sound like AZ and Nas, out came the claws(Em第一张专辑infinite被人诟病模仿Nas和AZ,从此他塑 造了Slim Shady这个角色,风格向暴力转变)于是我像az和nas一样说唱,伸出了爪子And the thing’s been out since then从那时起也亮出了毒牙(Em后来的风格继续变化,部分暴力弱化)But up until the instant that I’ve been against it但从某一时刻开始,我开始背道而驰It was ingrained in me that I wouldn’t amount to a shitstain,I thought根深蒂固的想法是我必将一事无成,我想No wonder I had to unlearn everything that my brain was taught难怪我记不得我脑海中被灌输的一切Do I really belong in this game? I pondered我真的属于这场游戏吗?我陷入了沉思I just wanna play my part, should I make waves or not?我只想做好自己的事情,我应该兴风作浪,制造争议吗So back and forth in my brain the tug of war wages on这场拉锯战在我脑海中不断地进行着And I don’t wanna seem ungrateful or disrespect the artform I was raised upon我不想忘恩负义,也不愿对造就我的艺术不敬But sometimes you gotta take a loss但是有的时候你不得不承认失败And have people rub it in your face before you can get made pissed off人们会指责你的错误并激怒你And keep pluggin’, it’s your only outlet继续不断努力,这是你唯一的出路And your only outfit, so you know they gonna talk about it(only outfit指Em在部分人眼中根深蒂固的形象, 也指他无法改变的白人皮肤却在黑人说唱领域生存)是你唯一的形象,所以你知道他们会谈论它Better find a way to counter it quick and make it, ah最好快速找到方法然后反击,赢得一切,ahFeel like I’ve already said this a kabillion eighty times我感觉我已经说过它无数遍How many times can I say the same thing different ways that rhyme我能把同样的事用不同的押韵说多少遍呢What I really wanna say is, is there anyone else who can relate to my story?但是我真正想说的是,若是其他人对我的故事感同身受?Bet you feel the same way I felt when I was in the same place you are, when I was afraid to最好你能和我有同样的和感受,当我和你处于相同境地时,当我害怕....when I was afraid to当我害怕Afraid to make a single sound害怕会发出一丁点声音Afraid I will never find a way out,out, out害怕永远不会找到出路Afraid I never before, I didn*t wanna go another round害怕我从未被人知,我不想再重蹈覆辙了An angry mans power will shut you up这个愤怒的男人的力量会让你闭嘴Trip wires in this house will cut our love(trip wires指遍布在房子周围保护房子而设立起的地线,指Em受到 困扰,不敢发出一点声音(写词),他对音乐的爱变得很小心)地线不慢房子周围,爱是小心翼翼Run out of excuses with every word再也无法为任何一个词来借口So here I am and I will not run所以这就是我,我绝不会逃避Guts over fear, the time is here勇气战胜恐惧,就在此时此刻Guts over fear, I shall not tear勇气战胜恐惧,我不会崩溃哭泣For all the times I let you push me around and kick me down每一次我任你摆布,我因你而低落,我可以做到Guts over fear, guts over fear勇气战胜恐惧Feels like a close, it’s coming to感觉接近尾声,一切快要结束Fuck am I gonna do? / It*s too late to start over我该要做些什么,重新开始已经太晚了this is the only thing I, thing I know这是我唯一,我唯一知道的事


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